Saturday, February 3, 2007

Set Your Goals

If you are trying to set your goals for the year/month/project/career/personal development - there is little doubt that you actually want to achieve them. Why else would you bother to set your goals if you weren't intent on reaching them?

But as we have all experienced at some stage in our lives, goals setting and attaining those goals are two very different enterprises.

I believe that this is the case because most of us make a fundamental mistake when we get round to goals setting - especially, but not exclusively, when we are thinking personal development goals.

The fundamental mistake we make is that we set goals in isolation. In other words we neglect all the other parts of our lives that will have to change in order to attain our stated goal. Obviously, this immediately and decisively greatly decreases the likelihood of us reaching our goal.

The trick then is to build our goal setting into a process that enhances our chances of reaching our goals, rather than inhibiting them!

For a more in depth look at how you can greatly improve your chances of actually reaching the goals you set yourself, take a look at this Free Video

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